Using ArcFM Solution Desktop
Guy Types

Version: 10.2.1d and 10.2.1d SP2

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Overhead Design Analysis (OHDA) allows you to create differnt guy types, as represented in this topic. OHDA supports down guys, span guys, sidewalk guys, and arm guys.

Down Guy

To create a down guy, attach the guy wire to a pole and connect it to an anchor on the surface.

Span Guy

To create a span guy, attach the wire to a pole and connect it to another pole.

If you create a span guy between an inline pole and a tapoff pole, you can create a stub pole for the tapoff pole.

If a span guy violates a clearance rule vertically, then it will be flagged as a violation regardless of its horizontal clearance.

Sidewalk Guy

To create a sidwalk guy, attach the wire to a Pole and Strut, which is availble in the Type drop-down list, and connect it to an anchor on the surface.

Arm Guy

To create an arm guy, attach the wire to an Arm, which is availble in the Type drop-down list, and connect it another pole.



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